Aug 29, 2022Our joint work with Prof. N. Sasaki has been published in Cytologia Rapid Selective Proliferation of Mitochondria during Zygote Maturation in the Uniparental Inheritance of Physarum polycephalumNaoki Urakawa, Kakishi Uno, Yoshikatsu Sato, Tetsuya Higashiyama, Narie Sasaki Cytologia (2022) Volume 87 Issue 2 Pages 163-168
Rapid Selective Proliferation of Mitochondria during Zygote Maturation in the Uniparental Inheritance of Physarum polycephalumNaoki Urakawa, Kakishi Uno, Yoshikatsu Sato, Tetsuya Higashiyama, Narie Sasaki Cytologia (2022) Volume 87 Issue 2 Pages 163-168